想起了skmt里面的一句话长相思免费观看电视剧全集60集现在的人仿佛只有在关乎生死时候才会变敏感才会去思考才会想改变里面有一个人讲了我没有手机所以我不知道自己什么时候死可以说超级讽刺了哈哈anyway do feel what the moment calls for - my brand new testament 真的还是没啥台词的妈妈最会玩
Because it’s all logic and reason now.Science,Progress.Laws of this ,that.... and the other.No place for three-legged cyclops... in the south seas.No place for cucumber trees and oceans of wine. Colse our minds up with inventions death and fear.There’s nothing so destroys a man as ignorance and conformity.