第一集笑死还是第四季好看不小心先入为主了"Life is great, even at its worst";"Women are niggers of the world." 学会一句话:“I am sorry. But I am not sorry”. 才看懂前夫是女主Sam的第四个孩子因为美国法律规定收入更高的一方离婚后要供养另一方Ex不履行抚养义务一直在和Sam拿钱没事真是结的什么婚片中没有男人然而从少女到中年女性的悲伤和负担却都来自于某个男人Only women bleed.
It is truly painful to watch Mr. Samberg dancing around, so hectic, like a clown. What is even more painful is to see every season these stories that are apparently adapted from children's books being stretched into lifelong, 20-plus episodes.